With this key knowledge, your every day will just be as great as you deserve it.

I just received an email from one of my favorite fitness trainers – Mark Lauren – and I have to share this great value he is providing. Please understand that this is no advertising here, and I‘m not affiliated with Mark Lauren On Demand.

I really appreciate Marks open sharing of wisdom aggregated for many years and really love his programms. And I‘m a true Pareto Rule lover.

So, see his valuable email below:


„Did you know that you can increase your performance by doing less? It’s quite simple.

Performance and work capacity are one and the same. As work capacity increases, so does performance and vice versa. By doing less of unnecessary things (stress reduction), we increase work capacity, and thereby, performance.

In other words, Performance is Efficiency, which is the measure of energy needed to solve a problem. Improved performance requires ruthlessly cutting at everything that isn’t absolutely essential. That pursuit will leave you with a focus on the basics- those things that are always or most often in use.

At Mark Lauren On Demand, we apply this principle to your training by clearly identifying the simplest and most essential parts of human movement in order to train them specifically using logical progressions. In the Prep Program and Pre-Prep, we start by isolating and training simple joint functions in lying positions, so that those improved fundamentals can be integrated into transitions between lying, kneeling, and standing positions.

However, isolated functions of the joints are not the most fundamental movement skills. Even more basic still is breathing, spinal stabilization, and muscular inhibition (relaxing). These are the athletic skills with the greatest value because they are most often in use, and they should be isolated and trained daily. To do so, sit upright with your eyes closed each morning for 5 minutes. Do nothing. You can sit in a chair or on a cushion close to the ground Indian style. You’ll quickly develop better posture and the ability to breath with a relaxed rhythm.

Let’s put it this way, if you are unable to breath, relax, and maintain composure while sitting on the floor doing nothing, it is extremely unlikely that you are able to do so in any other situation.

Performance is Efficiency #whatisvalue #nothingextra



Less is More. It really is. Focus on your needle movers. Do more of the things which make your life easier and you more happy. Do less of the things which weakens you and making you feel stressed.


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